How Should We View the Church?

1 Peter 4.7-19

Overview: Where We Are Going

  1. Master Your Mind (1 P 4.7-19)
  2. Defeat Angst through Artful Submission (1 P 5.1-7)
  3. Resist the Devil (1 P 5.8-14)
  4. Make Your Calling and Election Sure (2 P 1.1-11)

Application: Benefits of Mastering Your Mind

A Mastered Self Does Six Things:

  1. Love earnestly (4.8)
  2. Show hospitality w/o grumbling (4.9)
  3. Use your gifts/strengths to serve others (4.10)
  4. Glorify God in your speech (4.11)
  5. Glorify God in your service (4.11)
  6. Process Pain Well (4.12-19)