Holiness, Knowledge, & Knowing pt2
1 Corinthians 10.18-33
1. Contemplate How We Know What We Know (8.1-2a)
2. Analyze the Trinity of Knowing (8.1-3)
Symbolism, Logic, and Persuasion properly related facilitate an experiential encounter with meaning/truth.
Our Symbolism is rooted in OUR experiences and OUR theories. We must show more openness and humility if we want to grow.
3. Reflect on Conscience & Consciousness (ch. 8-10)
4. Exhibit Functional Humility (ch. 8-10)
- Stop Making the Temporary (or False) Permanent. (8.1-8)
- Show Respect to Appropriate Forms Even If They Are Localized or Temporary (11.3-16)
- Adopt Other People’s Forms. Don’t Make Them Adopt Yours (9.19-27)
- Stop Judging Other People Just Because They Make You Uncomfortable (10.25-30) (To the More Sensitive/Symbolic)
- Develop Sensitivity (8.9-13) (To the Less Sensitive)