Holiness, Knowledge, & Knowing pt2

1 Corinthians 10.18-33

1. Contemplate How We Know What We Know (8.1-2a)
2. Analyze the Trinity of Knowing (8.1-3)

Symbolism, Logic, and Persuasion properly related facilitate an experiential encounter with meaning/truth.

Symbolism, Logic, and Persuasion properly related facilitate an experiential encounter with meaning/truth.

Our Symbolism is rooted in OUR experiences and OUR theories.  We must show more openness and humility if we want to grow.

Our Symbolism is rooted in OUR experiences and OUR theories.  We must show more openness and humility if we want to grow.

3.  Reflect on Conscience & Consciousness (ch. 8-10)
4.  Exhibit Functional Humility (ch. 8-10)

  1. Stop Making the Temporary (or False) Permanent. (8.1-8)
  2. Show Respect to Appropriate Forms Even If They Are Localized or Temporary (11.3-16)
  3. Adopt Other People’s Forms.  Don’t Make Them Adopt Yours (9.19-27)
  4. Stop Judging Other People Just Because They Make You Uncomfortable (10.25-30) (To the More Sensitive/Symbolic)
  5. Develop Sensitivity (8.9-13) (To the Less Sensitive)