Marriage, Divorce, & Singleness
1 Corinthians 7.10-35
- State the Simple Principle
Obedient disciples of Jesus do not divorce (but they can be victims of one)
We must:- Confess the Church’s Failure
- Gain an Overview of Biblical History
- Establish a Framework for Discussion
- Distinguish what is revealed from what is reasoned
- Consider the concept of covenants (treaties)
- Avoid the trap of relying on “law”
- Define Marriage & Divorce Biblically.
- Interpret scripture conservatively
- Separate biblical divorce from civil divorce
- Define the terms
- State the Principle of Our Faith (10-11)
- Embrace Your Mission as a Believer (12-14)
- Accept Reality (15-16)
- Fight the Battle for Contentment (17-24)
The Ten Commandments & Marriage
- You shall have no other gods before Me. (Keep me first)
- You shall make no idols. (Put nothing above me)
- You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. (Respect who I am as a person)
- Keep the Sabbath day holy. (Make restful time for us)
- Honor your father and your mother. (Manage the in-laws well)
- You shall not murder. (Deal with your anger well)
- You shall not commit adultery. (I am your only sexual outlet)
- You shall not steal. (Honor boundaries. I am a separate person)
- You shall not bear false witness. (Don’t trash me to other people. Value my perspective and my side of the story)
- You shall not covet. (Don’t secretly wish for someone else)