Commit to Obeying God pt4

Hebrews 12.1-7

  1. Embrace Life in Exile (Heb. 11.13-16)
  2. Endure the Pains of Withdrawal from Sin (1 Pet. 2.11) 
  3. Develop Spiritual Life Skills (Eph. 4.32-5.2)
  4. Learn How to Do Good (Gal. 6.1-10)
  5. Defer to Church Leadership (Heb. 13.7, 17)
    1. Remember Your Leaders (13.7)
    2. Keep “Theorizing” About What Really Drives Them
    3. Imitate Them
    4. Follow Them (“Obey” and “Submit”) (13.17)
    5. Make Church Life a Joyful “Win/Win”

Transcend the Self/Other Divide

CovenantBen Caudill