It Is More Blessed to Give
Luke 6.17-26
1. Contribute Financially (1 Cor. 16.1-2)
Not grudgingly
Not of necessity/commandment (2 Cor. 8.8)
Cheerfully (2 Cor. 9.7)
2. Support the Ministry
3. Meet the Church’s Physical/Administrative Needs
4. Spread the Gospel
“and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.”
What is God really asking of us when He commands us to forgive?
“Great peace have those who love your law, and nothing can offend them” (Psalm 119.165)
Three Stages to Healing Broken Relationships
- Forgiveness (RELEASE) (Release)
- Rebuilding of Trust (RESTORE) (Forbearance)
- Reconciliation (RENEW) (Exoneration)
5. Relieve the Poor
Next Week: Thy Kingdom Come
Isaiah 60.15-61.3
- Introduction
- Learn the brutal lessons that teach humility (60.15-17)
- Seek Good Leaders (60.17-60.22)
- Emphasize the Poor (61.1-3)
- Define “Poor” (Gal. 2.6-10, Luke 6.17-26, Matt 5.1-11)