The Trinity pt2
Romans 12.1-18
- We need to think spiritually
- We need to act spiritually
- We need to emote spiritually
- Only one man’s spirit did all three perfectly
- For us, all three are good/bad
- God’s spirit is what heals all three
10 Signs You May Be Out of Touch with Your Own Heart (Heidi Priebe)
- Taking care of everyone else.
- Disappearing from their lives for long periods of time.
- Constantly. Staying. Busy.
- Continuously claiming that you’re fine.
- Developing irrational anxieties.
- Putting a positive spin on everything.
- Wanting to plan everything ahead of time.
- Dating people who are wrong for you.
- Turning EVERYTHING into a joke.
- Presenting a tough-as-nails exterior.
- Shows us how we process life (1 Cor. 2.11-14)
- Helps us focus on others (1 Cor. 3)
- Demands humility & restraint in our judgments (1 Cor. 4.1-6)
Four Tests to See How Spiritual or Mature Your Evaluation/Judging Is:
- Are you building people up or tearing them down? (1 Cor. 3)
- Are you overly critical to yourself? (1 Cor 4.3)
- Are you overly critical of others (esp. assigning & judging motive? (1 Cor 4.4-5)
- Are you going beyond what is written? (1 Cor 4.6)
- Get over yourself (Col. 3.9-17)