The Person and Work of Christ
John 1.1-18
- Contemplate the Inspired Text (John 1.1-18)
- Develop a Biblical Theory of Jesus
- Apply It to Your Life
- Get Over Ourselves (Col. 3.9-17)
- Commit to Making Jesus Our Example (Phil 2.5-8; Rom. 12.1-18)
When we are more like Jesus we...
- Empty ourselves (Phil. 2.5-8)
- Gain a more merciful disposition in response to God’s mercy (12.1)
- Dedicate ourselves more fully to God (Rom. 12.1)
- Discern where we need to be different from the world (Rom. 12.2)
- Get outside our own perspective (Rom. 12.3) THIS REQUIRES FAITH!!!
- Reach our potential both as individuals and as a church (Rom. 12.4-8)