The Birth of This Thing Called “Church”
Acts 1.1-26
Main Idea: Act Like the Early Christians
- Gain an Overview of the Book of Acts
- The Three 3’s of Acts
- Three Stages
- Stage 1: Jerusalem and Judea (1.1-8.4) (Peter)
- Stage 2: Samaria (8.5-12.25) (Peter)
- Stage 3: The End of the Earth (13.1-28.31) (Paul)
- Three Journeys (13.1-21.16)
- Three Trials (21.17-28.31)
- Three Stages
- The Three 3’s of Acts
Consider What Was Accomplished Historically
Revisit This Thing Called “Church”
Act on Some Key Points (Acts 1.1-26)
Embrace the Mission (1.3-8)
Make the Most of God’s “Gracious Parenthesis” (1.7-11)
Pray and Wait for the Spirit (1.12-14)
Plan, but don’t over think it (1.15-28)