Stewardship and the Universal Church pt2

Ephesians 3:1-21

  1. The Method (Matt 28, Eph 4, 1 Cor 9, Acts 17)

    1. Strategy – Empower Disciples (Matt 28)

    2. Tactics – Equip Them for Ministry (Eph 4, 1 Cor 9)

    3. Logistics – Embrace Demographics as Ordained by God (Acts 17, 1 Cor 9)

  2. The Map

  3. The Management (1 Pet 2.1-9)

    1. Cause – Prophet (the Word, Truth)

    2. Concern – Priest (Compassion, Love)

    3. Corporate – King (Stewardship, Integrity, Transparency, Judgment)

  4. The Mess (1 Pet 2.11-12)

    1. See ourselves as pilgrims passing through

    2. Accept that we are the strangers

    3. Deal truthfully with our desires

    4. Embody “beautiful goodness” in the daily grind