Stewardship and Passing the Baton

2 Timothy 2.1-13

  1. Understand the Generational Dynamic (1 John 2.12-14) “I am writing - I have written”

    1. Children: Know forgiveness - Know the Father

    2. Fathers (Old): Know the Father - Know the Father

    3. Young Men (Young): Overcome the Devil (Flesh, Eyes, Pride) - Be strong. Remain in the Word

  2. Pass the Baton (1 Tim. 2.1-13)

    1. Be strong in grace

    2. Commit to faithful men

    3. Endure hardness as a good soldier (Athlete) (Farmer)

    4. Affirm the Uniqueness of the Apostolic Writings

  3. Find a Way to Pass the Baton (Sinek Video)

    As in any trial, ask for wisdom (James 1)

    1. ProVision & Culture – Challenges for Millennials

    2. Housing

      1. 58% increase since 2012

      2. 450% increase 1950-2005

    3. Health Insurance – 125% increase since 1999

    4. Education - 213% Increase 1988-2018

    5. Discipleship/Transformation – the True, the Good, and the Beautiful

    6. Strategy – What is the Strategy?

  4. Control Your Own Attitude

    Be Willing to Be a Slave for Jesus

    Philippians 2.1-11

    1 Corinthians 9.19-23

    1 Peter 2.11-21

    FAULT versus


Stewards of GodBen Caudill