Overcoming Self-Deception

Malachi 2.10-16

  1. Take a Step Back

    1. Examine Your Heart/Affections (Malachi 1) (Be careful – The Theory Determines the Experience!)

    2. Reset Your Thinking (Malachi 2.1-9) (This is the Priest/Mediator’s Primary Job!)

    3. Judge Your Behavior (Malachi 2.10- 3.15)

      1. Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage (2.10-16)

      2. “Tolerating”/Condoning Bad Behavior (2.17-3.6)

      3. Financial Giving (3.7-12)

      4. Your Commitment to Ministry (3.13-15)

    4. Embrace God’s Intent (3.16-4.6)

  2. Seek Wisdom Regarding Marriage

  3. Fulfill the Covenant of Marriage

???? – Adam and Eve (Gen 1-2)

1800 BC – Isaac and Rebekah (Gen 24)

1400 BC – Moses authorizes divorce “for hardness of heart” (Deut 24; Ex 21)

710 BC – Israel Hardens Heart/Divorces. God grants certificate (Isa 50.1)

625 BC – Israel Divorces God through Adultery. God grants certificate (Jer 3.8)

430 BC – Malachi rebukes the One Who Divorces (Mal 2.10-16)

5 BC – Joseph almost divorces Mary (Matt 1)

30 AD – Jesus teaches on divorce (Matt 19)

55 AD – Paul teaches on divorce (1 Cor 7)