Digital Worship Service for 10/25/20 - Awareness, Light, and Holiness Applied
Scripture Reading #1: Matthew 6:22-34
Song #1 - Sherry Bell, “He Hideth My Soul” (
Scripture Reading #2: Matthew 7:1-8
Song #2 - Phil Bena, “Amazing Grace” (
Message: Awareness, Light, and Holiness Applied
What is awareness?
What are some signs of its absence?
How can I get healthier? (singleness of eye)
What is the result of health?
Application: What does this mean for GBC?
Hanging in there through the “Wall” of COVID
Can we remain a place of refuge? How would that look to our community?
What is healthy ministry? How might Matthew 7:1-6 help define that?
Contemplating the Wall (see attachment)