Easter Stories drawn up into the divine story of Jesus: Mary, Peter, and John

Dear People of Grace:

He Is Risen!

Although I am saddened that we cannot meet together at this time, I hope this worship segment enhances your personal experience of the truth, the goodness, and the beauty of Resurrection Sunday.  Because Jesus' story became part of humanity's story, our individual stories can be drawn up into his Divine Story.  It really is all about him; we find our meaning in him.

Sermon Video Link:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7rIsZEVWrM  

1.  Worship Reading: Luke 24:1-12

2.  Song #1 from Mark and Sherry Bell: https://youtu.be/dwxftbnV5C8

3.  Scripture Reading: Colossians 1:9-20

4.  Special Music from the Ward Family: https://youtu.be/kCPl-gfYmwM

5.  Song #2 from Phil Bena: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg_VYIKXpTM 

Pieces for Further Contemplation:

  • Susie Jones liturgical dance: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T8Jn99ZKmAk

  • Video from Rodrigo: https://youtu.be/XbS-34SIHCA

  • Additional Scripture: John 20-21 

  • Questions for Contemplation

    • What most inspires you from Colossians 1:9-20?

    • Which of the stories from John 20-21 (Mary Magdelene, Peter, and John) most resonates with you?  Or, what parts of each story most resonate with you?