Integrating, Resting Souls
Dear People of Grace:
Here is your worship segment for today:
1. Song #1 - Phil Bena
2. Passage for reflection and meditation: Mark 8:31-9:4
3. Special Music - The Ward Family:
4. Scripture Reading: Hebrews 4:6-5:3
5. Message: Integrated, Resting Souls
6. Song #2 - Recapture Me:
7. Questions for Further Contemplation:
A. When you look back on these days, what would you like to say changed about you for the better?
B. How does the historical context of Hebrews enhance the meaning of this passage for you?
C. Which part of your awareness/soul (fearing, delighting, analyzing) is the biggest stumbling block to you? How could you become a more integrated Christ-follower?