The Soul, Silence, and Submission (Psalm 62:1-8)
1. Song #1 - The Ward Family -
2. Passage for reflection and meditation: Ecclesiastes 7:1-4
3. Song #2 - Ben Helmen -
4. Scripture Reading: Psalm 62:1-8
5. Song #3 - “Who Am I” by Casting Crowns -
6. Message: Stillness, Submission, and Stress
A. Patience is the key
B. Don’t let the “between time” steal your inheritance, the restoration of your soul.
C. Recognize when you are wavering
D. Lean into and encourage your community
7. Questions for Contemplation:
A. What things most challenge your ability to wait on the Lord, to be patient, to be long-suffering?
B. What helps you stay more well-ordered, submissive, and “silent” in your soul?
C. How does viewing your inheritance as achieving God’s high destiny for humans change your perspective?