Spirit War: Chaos, Confusion, and Christ
Song #1 - Phil Bena: Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
(God is the one who strengthens us to win the battle for our souls):
Passage for reflection and meditation: Isaiah 59:14-21
Song #2 - Ken Turner: Jesus, What a Friend of Sinners, Sing the Wondrous Love of Jesus
(Jesus' unconditional friendship and love make victory possible):
Scripture Reading: Ephesians 6:10-20
Song #3 - Rodrigo Godinez: You’re a Good, Good Father
(Toxic spirits, like Satan did with Job, try to get us to reject God's goodness, thus "cursing" the very Goodness that breathes life into our souls):
Message: Spirit War: Christ, Chaos, and Confusion
Win the daily battle for your soul
Armor up
Know your enemy (good armoring versus toxic armoring)
Fight well
Questions for Contemplation
The sermon mentioned three signs that we are struggling in the daily battle for our souls: anxiety, discouragement, and restlessness of mind. Which of these do you think you struggle the most with?
What are some signs that people are “armoring up” in ways that are toxic to the soul?
Why is the Holy Spirit called “The Comforter”? What is the original meaning of comfort? What most comforts you in that sense? How can we do a better job of comforting others?
In Christ, Conrad