Injustice, the Council of the "Gods," and God's Suffering
Dear People of Grace:
Sorry, I went a little longer on today's pastoral connect, but please bear with me. Also, I posted this on Facebook, but some of you do not have Facebook and so would not see it. Please read the post below and watch the pastoral connect in light of recent events:
In Christian thought, the very origin of evil, of dis-integration, is found in a being who abused his authority. Nothing is more toxic to the spirit. In the end, such abuse crucifies the Ground of Being Himself. The problem is not authority. Authority is good and should be viewed with tremendous respect, for authority is innate to human beings as bearers of the image of God. Authority is a sacred trust. For that very reason, the perversion of authority is devastating; it desecrates the image of God in each of us. Whether it is a parental figure abusing his children or an officer of the state abusing the citizenry thereof, the consequences of such abuse are generational.
Perhaps nothing is harder for us than responding to the abuse of authority without becoming abusive ourselves. Especially for those who are attempting to use the authority entrusted to them in restrained, benevolent ways. As an analogy, nothing makes an angel's job harder than a demon.
All of us will be protectors, predators, or passive. Be a protector, and start by protecting those most harmed by the abusive use of authority. Love always protects.
In Christ,