Clarity pt2
2 Corinthians 10.1-13
- Practice Christ-like Leadership
- Maintain the Church’s Prophetic Role in This World
- Gain Biblical Clarity
- Deduce from 1st Principles
- Recognize “Einstein’s Gap”
- Believe in the Clarity of Scripture
- Know What “Clarity” Means
- Know What “Clarity” Does not Mean
Origen - 10-point preface to "De Principiis"
- Jesus Christ is the Truth, the Word of God.
- The Apostles' writings preserve that truth and should be accepted as the highest authority.
- The Apostles' writings are clear on essential points but also require spiritual gifts in language, knowledge, and a love of wisdom. This is a subject of long exercise.
- The clear, essential points are:
- There is one God.
- Jesus Christ, though God, became man, was born of a virgin, died, rose from the dead, and ascended into heaven.
- The Holy Spirit is associated in honor and dignity with the Father and the Son.
- Every soul, having a substance of its own apart from the body, is free and must choose its path. The righteous shall rise to everlasting blessedness and the wicked shall rise to everlasting condemnation.
- The devil and his angels exist.
- This world is corrupted by evil and therefore will be destroyed.
- The Scriptures were written by the Spirit of God, but their deeper meaning and application is not understood by all.
- The nature of God Himself, beyond what is written in Scripture, is not clearly understood.
- There are good angels of God that help mankind.
Gain Biblical Clarity (1 Corinthians 1:1-17)
1. Overcome Personality Cults, Source Issues, and Division (1,3)
- Give People the Benefit of Doubt (1.1-9)
- Speak the “Same Word” (1.10)
- Grow Beyond Source Issues (1.11-16)
- Build on the Right Foundation (1.17)