New Life Sunday

2 Corinthians 5:14–21

What counts? How Can I Make A Difference?

  1. New Creation Counts! (2 Corinthians 5:14-21)
    1. The Love of Christ (14)
    2. How We Look at People (16)
    3. God’s Reconciling Heart (19)
    4. Being an Ambassador for Jesus (20)
    5. Emotionally Connecting with Jesus’ Heart (21)
  2. Baptism Counts! (Matthew 28:18-20)
    1. Jesus Authorized It! (18-19a)
    2. It Is the First Outward Sign of Discipleship (19b)
    3. Making Disciples Counts! (19)
  3. Children Count! (Matthew 18:10-14)
    1. They Have a Close Connection with God (10)
    2. Scandalizing Them Really Angers Jesus!
    3. In Key Ways, We All Need to Remain Children
  4. Church Counts!
    1. Love and Good Works Are Enhanced by Community (Hebrews 10.24-25)
    2. God’s Plan “A” for People Is Community (1 John 1.5-7)
    3. God’s Community Will Never Fail (Matthew 16.15-18)
SpecialsBen Caudill